Asistent u Back Office-u (M/F)

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Asistent u Back Office-u (M/F)

20.02.2024. - 29.02.2024.

Infigo IS is an IT security and data analytics company. Organizations around the world entrust us with their most valuable assets - their data. We are protectors, bodyguards, defenders of modern life. Our work might often be confidential, but we can tell you that by joining our team you'll be working with world-class experts in a great working atmosphere while having competitive compensation and benefits. Thanks to having worldwide clients, from various industries, working for us will bring you a global perspective and opportunity to work with cutting-edge technologies. Our expertise is not only recognized by our clients, but also by various leading international associations. We can't tell you by name who our clients are, our work is often classified, but we can tell you that we've worked for global banks, international corporations, airlines, nuclear power plants, hypercar manufacturers, entire countries, military alliances, and even space agencies. Of course, not every customer launches rockets into space, but we approach every assignment with the same level of commitment. Although we are a diverse team of 70+ experts and among us you can find electrical engineers, mathematicians, economists, criminalists, geeks, runners, gamers, free climbers, martial artists, singers, bikers, brewers, chess players and many more, what we all share in common is a passion for knowledge, excellence, integrity and feeling good at work.

Trenutno tražimo odgovornu i snalažljivu studenticu ili studenta za poziciju Asistenta u Back Office-u (m/ž) čiji je glavni zadatak administrativna podrška uredu kako bi on nesmetano funkcionirao.

Glavne odgovornosti:

  • evidentiranje uredskih dokumenata, skeniranje i arhiviranje,
  • briga oko ureda, nabava uredskog materijala,
  • vođenje evidencija u skladu s uputama,
  • pomoć pri organizaciji putovanja, sastanaka, događanja i prijem stranaka,
  • priprema i slanje pošiljki, odlazak kod bilježnika, na poštu, Trgovački sud i prema potrebi drugih institucija,
  • ostali slični poslovi prema potrebi.

Što očekujemo od kandidata?

  • odlično poznavanje MS Office paketa uz naglasak na Excel i Word,
  • izražene komunikacijske i organizacijske vještine,
  • proaktivnost, samoinicijativnost te spremnost na samostalan i timski rad,
  • poznavanje engleskog jezika u govoru i pismu,
  • pozdananost i diskrecija,
  • rad na studentski ugovor.

Dodatne poželjne vještine i osobine:

  • vozačka dozvola (B),
  • mogućnost dužeg angažmana,
  • mogućnost rada više sati dnevno.

Što nudimo?

  • radno vrijeme prema dogovoru sa studentom/studenticom,
  • ugodnu radnu atmosferu,
  • dostupnu besplatnu kavu, vodu, sokove i čaj,
  • mogućnosti napredovanja u naknadi za rad i zadacima,
  • mogućnost kasnijeg zapošljavanja.

Ukoliko Vam se ovo čini kao odlična prilika za stjecanje novih iskustava, molimo Vas da se prijavite putem linka za prijavu.

Veselimo se Vašoj prijavi.